
Crown Financial Ministries

Employs counselors in the U.S. and Canada to assist families and organizations with their financial questions. Offers resources including a kit to help make a simple will, the monthly newsletter "Money Matters," the workbook "Money Before Marriage" and information about college grants, loans and scholarships.

Phone: 800-722-1976


Background Information

The Road to Debt
Learn to guard against the four common causes of debt.

Save or Swim
Danger: Thin Ice. Most people wouldn't risk their physical safety. So why do we ignore the signs of a financial catastrophe?

Drowning in Debt
If you can't seem to catch your financial breath, you're not alone. Sadly, millions of Americans are credit card captives.

Questions and Answers

What is the biblical approach to possessions and money?

Review Frequently Asked Questions


Prosperity and Pain
Finding blessings in the midst of incredible financial trials.

Credit—Not So Priceless
Every month, we spent more than we made and our balances ballooned. But it didn't stop us from purchasing a new living room set. Who could resist? Little did we know: we were digging a financial grave.

Living in Secret Debt
There's a high price to pay for acquiring debt.

If you've been through a experience related to this topic, we invite you to share your story with others.
Share Your Story

Other Things to Consider

Even Though We Ain't Got Money…
That phrase – live on love – kept bringing to mind a song they played on the radio when I was a kid. I scoffed at its utter lack of common sense.

Learning to Roll With Change
It's not the most fun you'll ever have, but the results are worth it.

Transitions: Changing Jobs, Moving

Relationships: Communication Gaps

Parenting Teens: Communication Problems