Question and Answer

Should we discourage our son from getting involved in a "summer romance?"

There's nothing inherently evil about summer romances. They've been around since the Beach Boys first got their surfboards wet. Likewise, a teen shouldn't feel like an outcast if they don't have someone on their arm between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The important thing is that any relationship during any season be a healthy one.

Your tie to your son is important. Try to stay as involved in his life during the summer as you have been throughout the school year. Make your home a place he and his friends including any special young ladies feel comfortable. Your sincere love and encouragement can create a healthy, safe, godly environment for summer fun.

Also, summer romances are usually just that "summer" relationships. Help your son think of it in those terms. That way, a September breakup won't be as devastating. If things are still working out at that time, then you can talk about it further.

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Other Things to Consider

RelationshipsBlended Families, Parents and Adult Children

TransitionsPreparing for Adolescence, Empty Nest