
When Mom and Dad Get Older

As we seek to honor and care for our aging parents, we need to assess these areas:

Housing and logistics

  1. Is their living situation adequate? Do they need added services to stay in their current home? (Examples: yard work, home maintenance, housekeeping and transportation.)
  2. Is their home adaptable? In other words, is there a first floor bedroom and bath, accessible from the outside without steps?
  3. What are their wishes about housing and care should they become incapacitated?
  4. Is there a need for assistance regarding grocery shopping and making meals? Meals on Wheels, individual frozen dinners and microwave meals can help elderly parents remain independent.

Financial and legal

  1. 5.Are they managing their finances adequately? Can we help with writing checks, making automatic deposits, or by having their bills sent to us instead of to them?
  2. Is there an inventory of assets, including insurance policies and retirement plans? Is property held jointly with others? Who are the beneficiaries on the policies? Have they had legal counsel on drawing up an estate plan?
  3. Are essential documents prepared and available as needed: general power of attorney, advance directives for health care and a will.
  4. Does someone know the location of their safety deposit box and key? Do they have documents stored in other places?


While we prepare financially and legally, it"s even more important to prepare for the spiritual future. Take the opportunity to share with your parents how much God loves them. Read what the Bible says about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, including receiving His forgiveness and the assurance of eternal life with Him.

Background Information

The Truth About Emotional Affairs
At work and online, crossing the line from platonic friendship to emotional infidelity happens at an alarming rate.

An All-Too-Common Affair
Why do so many people get trapped in affairs?

Danger Signs of an Affair
Though affairs are often unpredictable, there are recognizable symptoms of a troubled marriage.

Questions and Answers

My marriage seems beyond repair to me. My husband is running around with other women and threatening to divorce me. Is there really any hope for us?

Is cybersex "cheating"?

My husband has been having an affair for the past three months. Should I just throw my arms open and pretend the affair never happened?

Review Frequently Asked Questions


Reconcilable Differences
What's the secret to bringing a relationship back from the brink of divorce?

If you've been through a experience related to this topic, we invite you to share your story with others.
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Other Things to Consider

A Perfect Love
After a divorce, some amount of healing can occur through community support and learning to change certain behaviors. But complete healing can only come from the one who created us.

The Freedom in Forgiveness
Sometimes the comfort of holding a grudge can blind us to the relief of letting it go.

Special Situations
Even in cases of adultery, abuse and addictions, divorce isn't always the solution.

Forgiveness: What it is and What it Isn't
Understanding and granting forgiveness can help you move past the pain of divorce.

Where is God in the Midst of All My Troubles?
So many cry out to Him in times of need, but is God really listening? And, more important, does He care?

Love & SexDating, Living Together

TransitionsGetting Married

Abuse & AddictionsPornography and Cybersex, Physical and Verbal Abuse