blended families

Question and Answer

Television portrays blended families as a peaceful solution to divorce. Is this accurate?

I want to offer a word or two of advice to those who are planning to remarry after divorce or the death of a spouse. When children are involved, this is called a blended family, and it poses some very unique and unsettling challenges.

I can tell you that the Brady Bunch is a myth, the notion that a mom and dad with six kids can create one big happy family without conflict or rivalries. It just doesn't happen that way, although many blended families do eventually adjust to their new circumstances. Initially, at least, it is common within a blended family for one or more kids to see the new stepparent as a usurper. Their loyalty to the memory of their departed mother or father can be intense. So for them to welcome a newcomer with open arms would be an act of betrayal. This places the stepparent in an impossible bind.

It is also common for one child to move into the power vacuum left by the departing parent. That youngster becomes the surrogate spouse. I'm not referring to sexual matters. Rather, that boy or girl begins relating to the remaining parent more as a peer. The status and power that comes with that supportive role is very seductive and a youngster can be unwilling to give it up. These are only two of the land mines that can threaten blended families. Unfortunately, there are others.

Background Information

Portraits of a Stepfamily
A look at different types of stepfamilies can highlight the unique challenges each stepfamily may encounter.

Remarriage--A Step in the Right Direction?
In order to make a step in the right direction for you and your children, you first must understand the challenges of stepfamily living and then make an informed choice about remarriage.

Questions and Answers

What's the biggest hurdle blended families face?

As a new stepparent, what can I do to make the transition a smooth one?

There are many reasons why a teen may react strongly to a new parent. Some may require professional intervention, but others can be handled at home.

Is remarrying worth it when it involves blending families?

Review Frequently Asked Questions


Not the "Normal" Blended Family
Most families become blended through divorce, death and remarriage. Our blend is much different.

Loving the Stepmomster
It wasn't easy, but I did grow to accept the woman my dad remarried.

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