Special Needs Children

When the doctor hesitated during the ultrasound, you knew something was wrong. Part of pregnancy is worrying that your child will be healthy and €śnormal, €ť but, with the diagnosis, you no longer have the luxury of wondering. Now, you face much larger decisions decisions about the quality of life, for your child and yourself. In the remaining months of your pregnancy, or in the months following your baby €™s birth, you must begin to love and accept this child for who he or she is. Learning to care for your special needs child and beginning to appreciate his or her worth may be a struggle, but it is also a wonderful privilege.

Background Information

Why So Quiet?
These are some causes and signs of autism, and what parents can do about it.

Working Through Grief
As a parent of a child with Down syndrome, you have to grieve for the child you expected before accepting the child you have.

Questions and Answers

Where can parents of special needs children find support groups?


Eliana Joy
When Eliana Joy died from severe brain abnormalities, her parents faced the toughest test they'd ever faced.

Adam's Story
Special Needs children require faith, lots of love and courage

Our Son Joe
The following letter was written from the father of a child born with Spina Bifida.

Too Young To Die
Living with a seriously ill child can seem too much to bear.

If you've been through an experience related to this topic, we invite you to share your story with others.
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Other Things to Consider

In His Image
Her genetic makeup said she was flawed, but her Father thought otherwise.

A Spiritual RX for Healthy Mind and Body
A new study of bereaved spouses shows a significant link between religious faith and the ability to heal after a loss. It's just one more confirmation of the faith/health connection.

Bearing the Burden of a Child's Illness
In the midst of a devastating diagnosis, sometimes all you can do is to trust God.

Divine Wisdom
If you're struggling with any of the questions below, these thoughts and scriptures may help.

TransitionsHaving a Baby, Preparing for Adolescence

Life PressuresWorking Moms, Stay-At-Home Moms, Time for Family

RelationshipsParents and Adult Children, Blended Families