
In the eye of a teenager, dating is a field full of flowering opportunities; to parents, it €™s often a minefield of explosive possibilities. Views about dating differ from parent to parent and family to family some believe in courtship, others try dating, some fathers hope to lock their daughters up till they €™re 30! Whatever your idea of appropriate social mixing may be, the common ground can be found in the fact that you can €™t avoid the question altogether once your teenager starts to notice (and like) the opposite sex. When it comes to the rituals of relationships, however, wise parents will think carefully about what €™s best for their son or daughter.

Background Information

Breaking Up is Hard to Do
The pain of a broken relationship is real, but not forever.

To Date or Not to Date
How you view dating and marriage will determine your teen's expectation when he goes to middle and high school.

Questions and Answers

Our 16-year-old daughter has started dating. How do we help her keep perspective and avoid trouble?

Proms sure have changed since I was in school. I'm a little nervous about allowing my teenage daughter to go. What should I do?

Should we discourage our son from getting involved in a "summer romance"?


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Other Things to Consider

What is Sex Worth?
Sex before marriage cost more than I dreamed.

Who's On First
Are you dating or just friends? Maybe the other person changed the rules. Then again, maybe you just haven't been paying attention.

Kiss Me Now
One couple's decision to postpone physical affection of even the simplest kind.

RelationshipsBlended Families, Parents and Adult Children

TransitionsPreparing for Adolescence, Empty Nest