Changing Jobs

We often define ourselves by what we do €œHi, I €™m Sue, and I €™m a social worker. € It €™s no mystery then that losing your job or changing occupations ranks as one of the most stressful transitions in life. In our hopscotch culture, bouncing from career to career is common, but the effects are no less difficult: making new friends, learning new tasks, living within a new budget and embracing a new identity. If you find yourself in the throes of a job change, we €™ve gathered practical suggestions for leaping the expected and unexpected hurdles of finding a career fit.

Background Information

The Fluctuation of Occupation
Whether a new job is your ultimate dream or your worst nightmare, the transition is stressful.

Questions and Answers

How do I discover my talents and strengths?


Out of Work: One Family's Journey
At first, they met the challenge joyfully. Now, they look for creative ways to greet each jobless day.

If you've been through an experience related to this topic, we invite you to share your story with others.
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Other Things to Consider

An Unexpected Job Transition
Exactly five months after terrorists took down the twin towers of the World Trade Center, Reg Simak faced his own ground zero.

Where is God in the Midst of All My Troubles?
So many cry out to Him in times of need, but is God really listening? And, more important, does He care?

Life PressuresWorking Moms, Stay-at-Home Moms

RelationshipsBlended Families, Divorce, Parents and Adult Children, Caring for Elderly Parents